Wednesday, May 22, 2019
4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Lodgic Everyday Community, Event Hall, 1807 S. Neil St., Champaign
We’ll be voting on a proposed by-law change as well as Board membership and other
CCBA policy matters. If you have any comments on the change, please let us know.
Champaign County Bar Association
We’ll set up online Membership Registration in advance of the meeting, but if you choose not to pay online, we encourage you to bring your dues payments with you that day.
Brett, Miranda, and Emma are at the end of their terms, but they are happy to continue serving. If any of you wish to run, however, please let the Board know, supply Secretary Julie King with a one paragraph bio you’d like us to share with the membership by May 1st, and we’ll run a contested election at the Meeting during closed session.
Jerry Larkin of the ARDC will be joining us again this year to present on issues impacting our profession, and attending members will receive some much-coveted CLE credit.
For those of you who haven’t been there before, Lodgic has a restaurant and bar as you enter, and the Event Hall is in the back. The staff can guide you to the room. We’ll have some snackables in the meeting room, but please purchase any larger entrees and/or alcoholic beverages up front and bring them back with you. This is a formal meeting, so it will be a cash bar only.