On Thursday, June 27, 2019, the CCBA Board is sponsoring its next Lunchtime CLE meeting at the Regent Ballroom in Savoy (1406 Regency Drive West, Savoy: www.regentballroom.com ). For the corn-is-finally-in-the-ground price of $17.00, you will receive lunch and 1 hour of Professional Responsibility CLE credit re: Mental Health/Substance Abuse. Lunch will commence at 11:30 a.m. and the CLE program at 12:00 p.m. The topic is, “The Jaded Lawyer: Compassion Fatigue & Burnout” and will be presented by the Lawyers’ Assistance Program. The program will address the following:
Recent studies have confirmed that the overwhelming stress that is commonplace in our legal profession disproportionately results in attorneys suffering higher levels of depression, anxiety, addiction, and other serious issues at rates much higher than those seen in the general population. While changing the nature of the legal profession is likely to be a slow process, individuals have the capacity to make small changes that have been scientifically shown to mitigate the negative impact of stress, reducing the likelihood of compassion fatigue and burnout. Participants in this program will learn:
• What Compassion Fatigue and Burnout are;
• The signs and symptoms of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout;
• What factors make lawyers particularly vulnerable to Compassion Fatigue and Burnout; and
• Best practices for prevention of Compassion Fatigue and Burnout.
So that the CCBA may know how many persons to plan for, please RSVP by Monday, June 24 to Alyx Parker aparker@meyercapel.com. Please bring your payment with you to the Lunchtime CLE. Checks should be made out to the CCBA. If you desire a vegetarian plate or have some other dietary restriction, please note that in your RSVP. Because the Regent Ballroom charges the CCBA for the number of RSVPs, if you have provided your RSVP but are unable to attend, the CCBA will need 48 hours’ notice of the cancellation prior to the Lunchtime CLE meeting.